乘务签证(C 字签证)发给赴中国执行乘务、航空、航运任务的国际列车乘务员、国际航空器机组人员、国际航行船舶的船员入船员随行家属和从事国际道路运输的汽车驾驶员。
Crew member visa (C-visa) is issued to foreign crew members of aircarft, trains and ships, motor vehicle drivers engaged in cross-border transport activities, and also the accompannying family members of the above mentioned ships' crew members.
Please provide the following documents which must be strictly in A4/Letter size and submit your documents in the order of the checklist.
1、申请人护照原件,有效期半年以上,且至少有 2 张空白签证页。 Original passport valid for at least 6 months, with 2 or more blank visa pages. |
2、护照资料页复印件,上次签证复印件及前本护照资料页复印件(如有)。 Photocopy of the passport information page , photocopy of previous Chinese visa, photocopy of previous passport first page (if applicable). |
3、填写完整并签名的《中华人民共和国签证申请表》一份,并附本人近期、正面、彩色(浅色背景)、免冠照片1 张(照片规格要求见详细说明)。 One fully completed Visa Application Form with 1 recently-taken color photo (full face, front view, and bare head, against a light background) attached. |
4、外国运输公司出具的担保函。 A letter of guarantee issued by the transport company which is the applicant's empolyer. |
5、中国境内有关单位出具的邀请函 |
6.飞行员/乘务员证件复印件 |
7.非加拿大籍公民申请签证,还须提供: |
8. 曾有中国国籍后加入外国国籍者,请见中心网站《曾有中国国籍者申办中国签证额外文件要求》. |
If necessary, the consular officer may require the applicant to provide other proof documents or supplementary materials, or require an interview with the applicant. The consular officer will decide on whether or not to issue the visa and on its validity, duration of stay and number of entries in light of specific conditions of the applicant. Express service needs approval of consular officials, and extra fees may apply.