Minors under the age of 18 applying for a Chinese visa need to provide the following documents:
1. If the minor is going to China with both parents, please provide the following documents:
Birth certificate (with the name of both parents):
- If this document is issued by Chinese government, please provide the original and a photocopy. No legalization nor translation is needed.
- If the minor was born in Italy, please provide the original and photocopy of the birth certificate issued by the Italian government and authenticated by the Italian competent Prefettura or Procura della Repubblica.
- If the minor was born in a third country, please provide the original and photocopy of the birth certificate in the native language with its official translation in English, in Italian or in Chinese. The document should be authenticated by the Italian government or by the Embassy or Consulate of the third country based in Italy or authenticated by the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in that country.
2. If the minor is going to China with only one parent, please provide the following documents:
- Birth certificate (with the name of both parents). Please check the point 1 for details.
- The parent who does not go to China, with his/her valid identity document, should come to the Chinese Visa Application Service Center personally to sign a declaration of consent for the application of Chinese visa and authorization to the other parent to travel with the minor to China.
- If the parent who does not go to China cannot come to the Chinese Visa Application Service Center personally, please providea a "Declaration of consent for the application of Chinese visa and authorization to the other parent to travel with the minor to China", authenticated by Italian government, at Prefettura or Procura della Repubblica (for Italian citizens), by the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in Italy (for Chinese citizens) or by the Embassy or Consulate of his/her own country in Italy or by the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in his/her own country (for citizen of other countries). The declaration should be provided in original and photocopy and written in Chinese, English or Italian language.
Note: The declaration of consent for the application of Chinese visa and authorization to the parent who travels with the minor to China must specify that the parent gives the consent for the application of Chinese visa, the validity of visa, the number of entries and the authorization to the other parent to travel together with the minor to China.
- Photocopy of identity card or passport of the parent who does not go to China.
3. If the minor is going to China without any parent, please provide the following documents:
- Birth certificate (with the name of both parents). Please check the point 1 for details.
- Both parents should come to the Chinese Visa Application Service Center personally with their identity document to sign a declaration of consent for the application of Chinese visa and authorization to a third person who will be the legal guardian during the stay in China.
- If the parents cannot come to the Chinese Visa Application Service Center personally, please provide a "Declaration of consent for the application of Chinese visa and authorization to a delegated person to travel with the minor to China", authenticated by Italian government, at Prefettura or Procura della Repubblica (for Italian citizens), by the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in Italy (for Chinese citizens) or by the Embassy or Consulate of his/her own country in Italy or by the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in his/her own country (for citizen of other countries). The declaration should be provided in original and photocopy and written in Chinese, English or Italian language.
Note: The declaration of consent for the application of Chinese visa and authorization to a delegated person who will travel with the minor to China must specify that the parents give the consent for the application of Chinese visa, the validity of visa, the number of entries and the authorization to a delegated person to travel together with the minor to China as legal guardian.
- Photocopy of identity card or passport of both parents and of the third person who will be the legal guardian.